Thursday, May 13, 2010

Post Trial Reflection

1. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the prosecution. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

The Prosecuters presented three witnesses. John Adams, James Madison and Raul Grijalva. Two of the founding fathers explained the Constitution and the terms within it. Raul Grijalva gave evidence of the effect the law has created in recent events. James Madison quoted the amendments and spoke of justice and equal protection under the law. John Adams explained the Alien and Sedition Acts, stating that the act had been a regretful and shameful act because it didn't allow fair treatment. He also referred to the Boston Massacre, remembering that he represented the British soldiers because everyone should have a fair trial. Raul Grijalva gave an explanation of California's proposition 187, a law that passed in 1994 and prohibited illegal immigrants from obtaining healthcare, education and any public services. This law was removed after the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional. Raul compared proposition 187 to Senate Bill 1070.

2. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the defense. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.

The Defendants presented three witnesses. Jan Brewer, Arizona's governor who signed the bill into law, Russell Pearce, Arizona's senator and author of the bill. They also presented Officer Kenneth Collins who was killed by an illegal immigrant. Jan Brewers evidence was the violin increase around the border of Arizona and Mexico. Pearce arguments were the same as Brewer's but he also included his right to help his state because as a senator he has noticed that the congress and the senate have not pushed for a strong, firm immigration law. Kenneth Collins presented his experience, his argument wasn't as effective as Brewer's or Pearce's but he gave a citizen perspective.

3. What was the most significant piece of evidence, in your personal opinion?

I believe the strongest piece of evidence was the percentage of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. I know, it might be biased, but I know that those "illegal immigrants" are highly affiliated with gangs and mobs. I don't think it's fair to say that every illegal immigrant is a criminal. Yes. They do break a law, but sometimes it's the only way to survive. Most immigrants cross the desert or border because they want to survive. Almost everyone has heard the phrase "they want to give their children a better life," even though it is a cliché, its true. No one in his or her right mind would cross a desert for fun. They cross the desert to provide opportunities for their families.

4. What was the most significant argument made, in your opinion?

About 70% of the citizens in Arizona approve the law. Nationwide almost a 60% support it. It is extremely hard to fight the law when there are many supporters. Statements that say the law doesn't allow for racial profiling to occur and statements from supporters that say the law is completely harmless are great arguments. Yet this is because many don't realize that is it very harmless. There is a lot of racism in the country today. Joe Arpaio has so much hatred against anyone that doesn't look like him, he is known as "little Hitler" for true reasons. Russell Pearce is affiliated with Neo-Nazi groups that have risen even more with SB1070. They have more reason now to unleash their hatred. Laws like SB1070, proposition 187 and such make me fear this country even more.

5. What do you personally believe the correct verdict should be? Do you agree with the jury? Why or why not?

Personally, being an immigrant myself, I find the law to be incredibly pointless and ineffective. The law clearly is violating human right and the constitution. Some sections have been re-written to lead otherwise, but it is still wrong. I agree with Raul Grijalva, the United States need an immigration reform because many students like myself, have been law bidden residents that deserve the right to receive an education. Many students, like myself, are seeing their future disappear due to their legal status in this country. I might not be able to finish high school due to the situation occurring in this country and due to laws like Senate Bill 1070 that carry prejudice and a misguided reasons. I disagree with my lawyers, the prosecutors because they believe that the bill is wrong and they need to form a new immigration law that is less harsh. We don't need more laws that create barriers for immigrants to become citizens. Instead of increasing the amount of ICE agents and Border Patrol agents, we should have federal agents securing the borders from gang members and narcs. This country is powerful for many reasons, and it can be better, but racism, stereotypes and misleading arguments must stop. I fear this country and the people running it. "It is a shame that the people who know how to run this country are too busy teaching."