Friday, November 13, 2009

Honors History Essay #3

The 1920’s were among the most preliminary years in American History. This decade was known as the Roaring 20’s, most likely because America experienced a fast growth in economy, commerce and culture. These among other factors created a roaring lifestyle for many Americans. The economy was prospering and benefited citizens who were involve with the marketplace. Culture played a huge role in society, such as music, fashion and literature. Yet one of the most important changes during these years was the women liberation movement, which opened the door for women’s rights.

A women’s movement started many years back in history. The first or maybe on of the first women success in history started in 1807,when New Jersey granted women the right to vote in the State Constitution. Women kept struggling to make their voices count, in 1919, the federal woman suffrage amendment is written by Susan B. Anthony. It is later introduced to Congress in 1878, where after many reviews and examinations it is approved by the House of Representatives.  

It took women more than 100 years of campaigning until Amendment 19 was finally signed into law on August 26, 1920, granting women the right to vote. It is a historic event, because women were now accepted as full American citizens with an equal protection under the law. Today, most countries allow women to participate in politics and economic affairs, but it took years of campaigning and suffering trough harsh times.

Carrie Chapman Catt was president of the National Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA) for two terms. It was under her second term in which the 19th Amendment was signed and it culminated along with women’s rights. "To get the word 'male' in effect out of the Constitution cost the women of the country fifty-two years of restless campaign...” Chapman referred to the struggle it took to obtain their natural rights.

After this, wealthy women went on living a fancy and luxurious lifestyle. Culture and fashion were a part of women, and played a huge role in society. Women had also changed their standards in society. For example women in the Roaring 20’s liked to party, they would smoke and drink although alcohol was prohibited. They lived a life similar to men, and even though they still attended their families, they were more liberal.

All these benefits and comforts came to women after the success of their movement. It lasted many years, but it gave women the same rights as men. It was an event in history that changed our world and values for women.



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