Monday, April 19, 2010

Semester DOS, Honors History #2

The Great War was incredibly significant in terms of men and materials lost, in the downfall of empires, and most importantly in the setting up of World War II. With over 10 million dead after the war, England and France, in particular, lost an entire generation of men who would fill leadership positions. If it weren't for their mistakes we would have never progressed. It’s all about being the cruelest in the battlefield. That is why WWI is important in the terms of the Art of War.

We all they know that the most powerful countries will define the new policies or the new guidelines for a World Order. United States has a way of controlling people as does North Korea. It’s a very powerful weapon called fear. During the recession between WWI and WWII, the United States imposed a Dollar Diplomacy, which basically threatens other to make business. It is not that United States needs much of this power. It just wants a clear and strong control on other countries, to prevent them from gaining interest in power and a leading position of nations.

The Iraq war, which also includes the Afghanistan war, is an example of a two faced war. On one side, America is fighting for their safety, to prevent further attacks to their homeland. The other side, they also want to take some of their oil, while no one is watching it. I know there is an argument on this issue yet we can never deny that we are taking advantage of our overstayed welcome. Have we always taken advantage of other countries? Or, is it a product of war?
Alliances are the most important thing to have in war. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. Armory is vital yet if you don’t have compatible weapons but your best friend does, then you are set. You will perhaps start a remake of World War One. Having the right allies will eventually bring you a lot of help because other counties will not dare attack you. But your great ally will also take your resources or exploit you to receive a fair pay for protecting you.
What is technology? It helps you create new ideas, products and weapons for newer generations. Technology is the main component of progression, or progression brings technology. Nothing will exist if it weren’t for technology, but things can’t exist if we have it. Technology has a great role when it comes to disappearing things, places or people. The firebombing of Dresden is considered as an event for weapon testing. Firebombs had never been used before and this was a test to see how effective the weapon was. The firebombs were very efficient. Events like these will help further generations or levels of war.

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