Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Semester TWO, Blog #11

Dear Mr. Obama,

It is due to unfortunate events that I write to you with an urgent matter. I need you to address many points which have been forgotten.

Our youth has lost faith in your words. They no longer believe education is one of your priorities. Our great former President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, made drastic changes to our system, he took action within few months after taking office. Mainly because he threaten Congress. Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “I cannot go any faster than the people will let me,” I advice you to do the same. Our People are becoming outrage at the long process the Medicare Bill is taking to pass Congress, yet they don't get the blame, you do. So threaten Congress, set a conference were you demand them to pass your laws and bills. Set your standards because the people have set their own.

You have betrayed your word by sending more troops to Iraq, instead of bringing them home. The war is pointless. Waste no more money on War but on education. On March 4th, thousands of students walked-out of class in a nationwide rally protesting against budget cuts in the education system. Students protested against tuition increase in many state Universities. They want to be able to continue their education without having to make huge sacrifices. Many young students voted for you because you promised them better education and a wiser system, but you have betrayed them. Make time to save money and fund our education system. Books not Bombs.

America was founded by immigrants. We've heard this many times. It is never to be forgotten that everyone, except for Native Americans have immigrated from other countries. We have built a great nation that is worth every drop of sweat. We cannot fall after many years of greatness, not when we have made history. It is time to win our people back, to show them that you havent forgotten your roots, that you havent forgotten the struggle. Workers are a great part of this Nation, they want their voice to count. President Roosevelt created many worker organizations, I advice you to show support to these organizations, do not allow your governors to cut bugets from schools or government agencies.

Stay strong, you will win back your followers. Keep your promise, do not be afraid of Wall Street, do not be afraid of change. Mr. President, please consider this humble advice. I know you will make a change.

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