Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Blog #18: Newspapers & MSB

For this next project, MSB, I want to make sure I find an interesting idea that I can have fun with it and create a unique product.

Brainstorming earlier, making sure I am aware of all the contents needed, will help me manage my time. Preparing examples or rough-drafts of my work for critiques, and finding examples to base from, will make sure I use my time wisely, something in which I struggled during the Newspaper project. Even though this is not a group project, I do want to work on my group skills, and communication. I know that my group was having trouble deciding on ideas together; it was more like a dictatorship at the beginning. It wasn't my entire fault, but I did contribute to the lack of communication. Unlike my Newspaper article, I want to make my final product interesting and important. This is why I am planning beforehand, and hopefully I can make my ideas happen.

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