Thursday, October 22, 2009

Honors History Writing #2

America can’t afford another President who thinks of their own benefits before worrying about the necessities of the American people. We have already reached an all time low. It’s taking all our effort to adjust to the bitter depression, and get back on our feet. The government hasn’t reestablished the wealth our nation had. Now they want to enforce the gold standard policies, which make it even harder for us to recuperate. It is now imminent that the only candidate that has shown interest in helping those who suffer the economic depression is William Jennings Bryan.   


Bryan has been in a prolong tour by train, where he has spoken to voters directly. He is the first presidential candidate that has made an attempt to reach the American people from every corner. Over the past few days he has given speeches to more several million people. “My place in history will depend on what I can do for the people and not on what the people can do for me,” he has definitely shown his passion in helping families who are struggling. While other candidates conduct a “front porch” speech that excludes many Americans. Bryan is bringing hope to every the American families, knowing that we need a new currency system, because the one operating has failed us.


Implementing the free silver theories, would help get rid of debts and push our economy forward. It would give us a new start and a brand new opportunity to be successful. Sixteen silver backed dollars equals one gold dollar. Having more paper money, backed by silver, would allow farmers and workers to pay off their fees and maintain a dignify living. This system makes paper money easier to circulate nationwide and it would help lift our economy. This would be the fastest way to recover from the economic depression of 1893, thus perusing a new direction for the United States.


Let us not forget that we have no one else to blame but the corrupted corporations and government, for our great downfall in the economy. These same corporations that have lower our wages; have formed a coalition with our main opponent, William McKinley to bring more wealth towards their own benefit. This man has supported the Gold Standard because it has helped businessmen gain more wealth. Even though the majority of the United States have been starving, and living in the worst conditions, McKinley worries for the rich minority.


Don’t be intimidated by the over powering minority, they have yet to understand that the free silver will only implicate the growth of our nation. It will not impact the laborers and it will not cause them to lose their jobs. Not one corporation will fall trough with the silver backed dollar. Do not let your fear guide you into voting for candidates that can be sold. There is no doubt that the right man to lead this new era, lift us from the crisis and construct a well organized government is William Jennings Bryan.   

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