Friday, June 18, 2010

Semester Reflection Part 2

What is the greatest challenge facing your generation? What will be necessary to address it?

My generation has seen some of the worst environmental disasters, and above all the current recession. Many have few knowledge of its direct affect towards us and that is the greatest challenge, lack of knowledge. For some reason, my generation is more interested in playing video games rather than following issues that will affect their future. They also rely on broadcast media to learn about situations and they have no control over what they want to learn.

I’m glad that many of my teammates are not like that. The main reason is the type of school they are in and their teachers. In our class we are expected to learn about issues in our community and use media to solve the issue, like Media Save the Beach project. We also had Ampersand, where we can represent our potential as students especially when older generations doubt our skills.

What needs to happen to solve the issue is if more students become aware of their environment. They need to be more involved in their community to know the dangers facing us and have more control over their future. I have been involved in my community for about 4 years and I have seen that student’s succeed more in life when they take control of their education at a young age. Government authorities need to prioritize education, students after all, are the future and if our generation lacks knowledge. What will happen to humanity? 

Describe your vision for yourself in pursuing higher education.

I’ve been ambitious most of my life, the good type of ambition anyway. I had my mind set on Harvard or Brown because I wanted to be on top. But with time, I wasn’t interested in them anymore because my perspective of power changed. I thought I would become an Architectural engineer and build schools or bridges in developing countries. Almost everyone once in there lifetime says this, “I want to make the world a better place.” It is a cliché, but I actually commit to it. Now I want to teach students in developing countries because many of them don’t ever finish elementary.

I see myself studying in UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, one of the top universities in Mexico, where the greatest activist and revolutionaries teach. When I say revolutionaries, I include anyone that has changed Mexico’s culture and beliefs. My parents are from Oaxaca, a cultural state in Mexico, I’ve visited many villages that in the 21st. century have schools. My parents sacrificed almost everything to give me an education. I want to repay their sacrifice by helping students achieve higher education in many states that offer no opportunities for low income families. Frankly, I made this decision after being influenced by Randy. Randy has been the greatest teacher I’ve had, he gives so much knowledge to his students in hopes that they will succeed and create a world of possibilities. In his class, I realized, I had more potential than I though and I can do greater things with my life. I have set high standards for myself but I am confident that I will guide myself in the right direction. 

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